My website combines my business experience with my number one passion, traveling.
For those who think that my business experience could add some value to their business, please refer to "My Business Experience".
Those who are curious about the many stories I can share with you, just move on to "My TravelBlogs". My earlier experiences, in particular those that I came across while on a business trip, are all written in German, in order to have my bosses get a flavor of the environment I was exposed to.
In my last 23 working years I was lucky to be able to unite what I have ever learned - civil engineering, languages, MBA - with my passion, which is traveling. Traveling to remote places, those that are off the beaten track. And even during my hundreds of business travels I enjoyed strange encounters, which I noted down for my self, and which are now displayed in my Travel Blogs. Doing the same things over and over again makes me easily bored, and my curiosity in learning and experiencing does not fade away, even increases with my increasing age.