Not a country in the mainstream of tourists, and yet this is it what made me curious. Good thing is that there is a certain minimum tourist infrastructure, so there is not too much of hardship when moving around.

What strikes time and again is the enormous amount of plastic garbage that is visible everywhere.

Nobody seems to care. People seem to be busy with survival.

Traffic in Djibouti is enormous, and along the main highway No.1 practically all trucks are from Ethiopia. This road is their main artery for the supply of fuel and goods.

On the way to Lake Abbé, we passed a dwelling. Two tribes share Djibouti, the Afars and the Issas. I forgot which tribe lived here

But Djibouti is not only a mix of plastic garbage and hopelessness. Indeed there are some beautiful sceneries, waiting to be visited.

Another "must see2 in Djibouti is the deepest spot in Africa, 155m below sea level. Lake Assal, a salt lake.

And, another quite spectacular spot is the big African divide

So, when you have a nice hotel waiting for you in the evening, with cold beer, Djibouti can be an agreeable experience - just ignore the poverty and the plastic garbage. By the way, the German Army resides in the Sheraton.